White stripes beautifully highlight the elegant sweep of long black fur on the hazardous hindquarters of this skunk puppet. With a workable mouth and tail, she can be posed in attack position, but don't worry; scent glands are not included!
Facts of Interest:
The striped skunk is found throughout the United States and Canada. It lives in small family groups and shares dens with foxes and raccoons.
Skunks protect themselves by spraying a very smelly fluid from a gland on their backside. It causes temporary blindness.
A skunk only sprays if seriously provoked. It always warns first by turning its back, raising its tail, and pattering its front feet.
The skunk's white coloring warns animals to stay away. Most do, except for the Great Horned Owl which is immune to the skunk's spray.
Length Width Height Puppet Weight
14" LONG 4" WIDE 5" TALL 4.64 OZ
Puppet Stats
Puppet Type: HAND PUPPET
Puppet Birthday: 1998 January
Special Features: Movable mouth
Skunk Hand Puppet Demonstration Video: View Video