White Sheep Kid from Hansa
$20.89 $24.99
As one of the earliest animals to be domesticated, sheep are raised for wool and fleece, meat, milk, and sometimes for science. Sheep's wool is the most commonly used of any animal. Sheep are found throughout most of the world and central to the survival of many civilizations. Today, Britain, South America, New Zealand, and Australia are the most well-known for sheep production.
This sheep from Hansa is an amazing likeness to the real thing. Standing 12 inches tall, she has floppy ears, a fuzzy white coat, and dark brown eyes that will melt your heart.
Hansa is known and respected for its close to Nature reproductions of the worlds best loved animals. Much research goes into producing this nature series. This is why Hansa is the preferred supplier to many Zoos and Wild Life Parks around the world. Start collecting these finely crafted pieces and help educate our children to appreciate and understand the importance of our co-existence with the wondrous animal world.